BOOK PUBLICATIONS            Publications Download 
S. No
Title of Book
Prof. N.Savithramma
Threats and Concerns to Biodiversity (edited)
Own Publishers
Yasodamma .N and A. Job Roger Binny
“An Illustrative Taxonomic key for Identification of Angiosperm families”.
Own Publishers
(ISBN: 978-93-5067-256-3) Nandaluri publications: Tirupati   A P, India.
Systematics of Angiosperms, Phytomedicine and Ethnobotany
Published by SVU, DDE,  Tirupati.
Biology of cells, Genes, Genetics and evolution
Published by SVU, DDE, Tirupati.
A.Sandhya, T.Vijaya and D.Pragathi
Integrated applications of Microbial bioinoculants: IAM-potential incentive for growth and yield of medicinal plants.
International Academic Publishers, Germany
Rama manohar Reddy, T.Vijaya.
Protective Role of Gymnema sylvestre in Obesity: Health Promotion
International Academic Publishers, Germany.
B.Pushpalatha, T.Vijaya
Achyranthes aspera-A Herb against Obesity.
Pointer  publishers, Jaipur
K.Chandra Mouli, T.Vijaya, S.D.Rao.
Experimental Myocardial Ischemia in Rats: Protective effects of Bioflavonoids
Hill view publishers, West Germany
T.Vijaya and K.Chandramouli
Development of self instructional material for Biotechnology
Hill view publishers, West Germany
Dr. K. Madhava Chetty
Flowering Plants of Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh,
I- IV Edition
Own Publishers
2009- 2013

Title of Book
Page no
Sairam reddy.P, Prasad Babu. G, Yasodamma. N and Rama Gopal. G  
Adventitious                  Shoot bud regeneration and organogenesis in Hypoctyl cultures of Acacia concinna                 DC: An Important Tree Legume-Emerging trends in Biological Sciences
Daya Publishing
House, New Delhi.
211 – 223.
Paramageetam.Ch,Prasad Babu.G, Yasodamma. N and Rao.J.V.S

Bacopa monniera (L.)  Wettest. An important neutraceutical Plan through leaf callus cultures. Emerging Trends in Modern Biology.
Daya Publishing
House, New Delhi.

A.Srilatha, A.B.Subhashini and T.Vijaya.
Nutritional status of Adiandhra women,a scheduled tribe of chitoor district, Andhra Pradesh.
Tribal Ethno-medicine and Health care  practices, Naroso Publishers, New Delhi.

K.Chandra Mouli, T.Vijaya and S.D.Rao
Phytoresources as potential therapeutic agents for cancer treatment and prevention
Cancer –An over view  Global Pharma publishers, New Delhi
1 (1): 4-18.
Recent Biotechnological approaches for remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils using microorganisms.
Phytoremediation and Environmental Biotechnology (Ed.P.C.Trivedi). Pointer publishers, Jaipur, India
B. Pushpa Latha, I. Rama Manohar Reddy, T.Vijaya.
Medicinal plants and their derivatives as potential sources in treatment of obesity.
Nanosa publishers, New Delhi
1 (4):711-727
T.Vijaya and K. Chandra Mouli
Microbial endophytes: the untapped resources for bioactive extrolites
Plant Environment and Interaction. (Ed.P.C.Trivedi), Pointer publishers, Jaipur
T.Vijaya and K.Chandra Mouli.
Microbial and Botanical biopesticides for sustainable agriculture.
Plant disease and its Management (Ed.P.C.Trivedi) Pointer publishers, Jaipur, India.
N. Savithramma, A.Sasikala, Beena Prabha, and S.K.M. Basha T.Pullaiah
An efficient method of regeneration of Dysophylla mysuroides by in vitro culture of nodal explant; In Plant Tissue culture .Emerging Trends.
Regency Publications, New Delhi, India.
N.Savithramma, A.Sasikala, Beena Prabha, and S.K.M. Basha

Diversity of green medicine in Tirupati-kadapa-Nallamalai Hot spot. In Biodiversity in India.
Regency Publications, New Delhi, India.
N.Savithramma, A.Sasikala, Beena Prabha, A.Kedarnath Reddy and J.Saradvathi
Micropropagation of Talinum Cuneifolium through axillary bud culture.In Plant Tissue culture – Emerging Trends
Regency Publications, New Delhi, India.
D.Pragathi,T.Vijaya, D.Anitha, K.C.Mouli and D.V.R.Sai Gopal.
Botanical immunomodulators-Potential therapeutic agents.
Global publishers, New Delhi.
A. Sasikala & N. Savithramma

Phytochemical diversity of Coclospermum religiosum Alsten. –A medicinal tree species.
Regency Publications, New Delhi, India.

T.Vijaya, N.Vasudeva Reddy and S.B.Gosh
Influence of γ-radiation on plant growth and elicitation of metabolites. (Accepted)
Hill view publishers, West Germany.

N.Savithramma, S. Ankanna, M. Linga Rao and Saradvathi
Validation and conservation Talinum Cuneifolium of Portulacaceae An important medicinal tuberous shrub
In Plant Diversity and conservation,
eds  Ramachandran. Bharatiyar University, Columbo.
N. Savithramma, P. Venkateswarlu, A. Sasikala and Beena Prabha,
In vitro propagation of Talinum Cuneifolium through leaf culture.
Abiotic Stress and Biotechnology
edited by T. Pullaiah,
M/s Regency Publications, New Delhi, India.
127- 135
D.Pragathi, T.Vijaya,  K.C.Mouli ,D.Anitha and D.Suresh Bhargav
Marine derived endophytic fungi novel bioactive resources for pharmaceutical prospecting.
Frontiers in aquaculture and biotechnology. ed, S.J. Reddy.
ISBN No: -925002-0-1
T.Vijaya, D.Pragathi, K.Chandra Mouli
Bioactive molecules from fungal endophytes and their therapeutic potential: Proxy’s for plant secondary metabolites.
“Biofertilisers for Sustainable Agriculture”. ed; Sampath Nehra, Aavishkar Publishers, Jaipur, India. pp  ISBN: 978-81-7910-452-1
D.Pragathi, T.Vijaya, K.Chandra Mouli, D.Anitha, D.Suresh Bhargav
D.Pragathi, T.Vijaya, K.Chandra Mouli, D.Anitha, D.Suresh Bhargav
Marine derived endophytic fungi: Novel bioactive resources for pharmaceutical prospecting:
Frontiers in Aquaculture and Biotechnology”. ed; S.J.Reddy
ISBN No: -925002-0-1
N. Savithramma.
Plant resources of chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. In development face of chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh, India (on the Eve of Centenary Celebrations
A. Ranga Raddy, Global Research Publication, New Delhi

Books Edited: 04
Sl. No
Title of Book
Threats and Concerns to Biodiversity
Prof. N. Savithramma
Own publishers, S.V.U, Tirupati
DDE M. Sc Botany-Biology and Diversity of Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms.
Prof. N. Savithramma
Department of distance education, S.V. University, Tirupati
DDE M. Sc Botany-General Micro biology and Plant pathology
Prof. N. Savithramma
Published by S.V. U, DDE Tirupati
DDE M. Sc Botany Lab manual-I
Prof. N. Savithramma
Published by S.V. U, DDE Tirupati
DDE M. Sc Botany Lab manual-II
Prof. N. Savithramma

Published by S.V. U, DDE Tirupati
DDE M. Sc Botany Plant Physiologies
Prof. N. Savithramma

Published by S.V. U, DDE Tirupati

               NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL: 249 (2009-14)   TOTAL IMPACT FACTOR: 203.4885

1.       Savithramma N, Yugandhar P and Linga Rao M, Ethnobotanical Studies on Japali Hanuman Theertham- A Sacred Grove of Tirumala hills, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2014.6 (2); 3-88. (I.F =2.274).
2.       Sasikala A, Linga Rao M and Savithramma N. Isolation and identification of phenolic compounds from leaf extracts of Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2014; 4 (1); 503-509. (I.F =1.25)
3.       Hari babu R and Savithramma N. Screening of secondary metabolites of underutilized species of Cyperanceae. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2014. 24 (2); 182-187. (I.F = 1.7)
4.       Savithramma N, Linga Rao M, Venkateswarlu P, Bhumi G. Evaluation of Biologically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles from Gum Extract of Boswellia ovalifoliolata Bal. & Henry – An Endemic Endangered Medicinal Plant of Tirumala Hill Range of Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars. 2014. 3 (1);  87-195. (I.F =1.0285).
5.       Venkata subbaiah KP and Savithramma N. validation and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Strychnos nux-vomica- an impartment ethnomedicinal plant of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. 2014. 4 (1); 5-53.
6.       Bhumi G and Savithramma N. Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of silver nanoparticles through leaves of Abrus precatorius L.: an important medicinal plant. Applied Nanoscience. 2014.
7.       Savithramma N, Linga Rao M, Venkateswarlu P. Histochemical studies of Boswellia ovalifoliolata Bal. & Henry – An Endemic Endangered and threatened Medicinal Plant of Seshachalam Hill Range of Eastern Ghats of India. International Journal of pharmacognosy and phytochemical research. 2014.6 (1); 1-6. (I.F =1.07).
8.       Y. Ratna Raju, P. Yugandhar and N. Savithramma. Documentation Ethno medicinal knowledge of Hilly tract areas of East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2014.6(4); 369-374. (I.F=1.5).
9.       R. Hari babu and N. Savithramma. Studies on Mineral Analysis of Grasses of poaceae. International Journal of Pharma Sciences. 2014. 4(3); 526-531(I.F=1.04).
10.    N. Savithramma, Yugandhar P and Bhumi G. A review on medicinal plants as a potential source for cancer. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2014. 26 (1); 235-248. (I.F =5.19).
11.    Linga Rao M and Savithramma N. Isolation and identification of phenolie compounds by HPLC and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of Svensonia hyderabadenis – a rare medicinal plant taxon. International Journal of Drug Development and Research. 2014. 6 (1); 199-207.  (I.F =1.08).
12.    Sabjan,G.;  Sudarsanam G., D Muralidhara Rao, DD ReddyB.  Ethno-botanical crude drugs Used in Treatment of Liver diseases by Chenchu Tribes in Nallamalais, Andhra Pradesh, India. American Journal of Ethnomedicine. 2014. 1 (3); 115-121. (I.F =0.239).
13.    Ganesh, P. GN Babu,  Sudarsanam G.  Pharmacognostical and analytical studies of leaves of Pterolobium hexapetalum (Roth) Santapau & Wagh; Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2014. 8 (4), 541-547. (I.F =2.36).
14.    Sabjan,G.;  Sudarsanam G, D. Dharaneeswara Reddy, Ramesh Malothu, S. Anitha and D. Muralidhara RaoPreliminary evaluation of antidiabetic activity of Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss on sreptozotocin induced male wistar rats. Journal of Natural Product. Plant resources. 2014. 4(1); 43-47. (I.F =3.285).
15.    Khaleel Basha, S., Niaz Parveen D., S. Gopi Krishna and Sudarsanam G.  Impacts of climate change on Yerramalais forest of Eastern Ghats of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India and options for adaptation. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation. 2014. 6 (3); 210-216.
16.    Khaleel Basha, S.,, Anjaneyulu E., Krishna S.G., Parveen D.N., Sudarsanam G., Plants Used In the Treatment of Leucoderma by the Tribals of Yerramalai Forest of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine. 2014. 121 (761-766). (I.F =3.17).
17.    Penchala Pratap, G, Sudarsanam G and Mohd. Kashif Hussain. Physicochemical, preliminary phytochemical and antibacterial investigation on leaves of Cardiospermum canescens Wall. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2014. 5 (1); 1088 -1095. (I.F =0.87).
18.    Yasodamma N, Chaithra D and Alekhya C. (2014). Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Curcuma neilgherrensis Wt. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6(1); 159-168. (I.F=1.59).
19.    Alekhya C, Yasodamma N and Chaithra D (2014). Anti-inflammatory activity of Cycas beddomei Dyer. Male cone extracts. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 4(1); 132-137. (I.F=1.59).
20.    Kavitha B, Yasodamma N, and Alekhya C (2014). Antidiarrhoeal Activity of Pterolobium hexapetalum (Roth.) Sant. and Wagh. Leaf And Fruit Extracts on Castor oil induced Diarrhoea. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.  4(1): 9345-9349. (I.F=1.59).
21.    Kavitha B, Yasodamma N, and Chaithra D (2014). Antiulcer Activity of Pterolobium hexapetalum (Roth.) Sant. and Wagh. Leaf And Fruit Extracts on Castor oil induced Diarrhoea. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 4(1): 9349-9352. (I.F=1.59).
22.    Yasodamma N, Kavitha B and Alekhya C (2014). Antioxidant activity of Pterolobium hexapetalum (Roth.) Sant. and Wagh. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6(3): 143-147. (I.F=1.59).
23.    Suvarnalatha A, Yasodamma N, Alekhya C and Chaithra D (2014). Pharmacognostic Studies of Indigofera hirsuta L.  International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6(4): 111-117. (I.F=1.59).
24.    Job Roger Binny, N. Yasodamma. (2014). Floristic Enumeration of Sri Venkateswara Zoological Park for the Future Conservation of Biodiversity. Indian Streams. Research Thoughts. 4 (4);1-15. (I.F=2.145).

YEAR: 2013    Total Publications: 72 ; Impact Factor: 90.317
1.       Lingarao M and Savithramma N. Isolation and Characterization of Βeta-sitosterol from  Leaf Methanol Extract of Svensonia hyderobadensis – A Rare Medicinal   Plant  Taxon. International Journal of Natural Product Science. 2013: 3 (1); 1-7.
2.       Suhrulatha D., Yugandhar P., Linga Rao M and Savithramma N. Endangering ethnobotanical knowledge of Chenchu ethnic group of Mahabubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh, India. The J of Ethnobiol. and Traditional Medicine, Photon. 2013: 118; 282-294. (I.F= 0.96).
3.       Savithramma N., Yugandhar P and Linga Rao M. Documentation of ethnobotanical knowledge of ethnic groups from Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The J of Ethnobiol and Traditional Medicine, Photon. 2013; 118: 295-305 (I.F= 3.17).
4.       Bhumi G, Linga Rao M and Savithramma N. Biological synthesis of silver    nanoparticles from stembark of Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland Indian Streams Research Journal. 2013; 3 (3): 1-7. (I.F= 0.2105).
5.       Hari babu R and Savithramma N. An assessment of nutrient content of  underutilized grass species of south India. International Journal of Pharma and Bio  Sciences. 2013; 4 (3): 334-340. (I.F= 0.2105).
6.       Hari babu R and Savithramma N. Studies on nutritional status of underutilized grass Species of south India. Indian Streams Research Journal. 2013; 3 (5): 79-84. (I.F= 0.2105).
7.       Savithramma N, Yugandhar P, Linga Rao M and Venkata Ramana Devi CH. Traditional phytotherapy treatment for snake bite and scorpion sting by ethnic groups of Kadapa District Andhra Pradesh India. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2013; 20 (1): 64-70. (I.F= 1.72).
8.       Venkata subbaiah K.P, Ramanjaneyulu G and Savithramma N. Synthesis of Silver nanoparticles and Validation from Rhizome powder of Curcuma longa L.-An Ethhnobotanical plant for skin disease. Indian Streams Research Journal. 2013; 3 (5): 1-7. (I.F= 0.2105).
9.       Kedarnath Reddy A and Savithramma N. Salt stress mitigation by calcium chloride in Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper. Indian Streams Research Journal. 2013; 3 (5): 26-32. (I.F= 0.2105).
10.    Ankanna S and Savithramma N. Isolation and identification of phenolic compounds by HPLC and Electrospray ionization Mass spectrometry and their free radical scavenging activity of Shorea tumbuggaia Roxb. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2013; 5 (1): 94-101. (I.F= 0.89).
11.    Venkata subbaiah KP, Ramanjaneyulu G and Savithramma N. Validation of silver nanoparticles isolated from roots of Plumbago zeylanica L.-An ethnomedicinal plant for skin diseases. JPR:Bio Med Rx: An International Journal. 2013; 1 (6): 579-584. (I.F= 2.66).
12.    Venkata subbaiah KP and Savithramma N. Biological synthesis and validation of silver nanoparticles from leaves of Lawsonia inermis L.-an Ethno medicinal plant for skin diseases. Indian Streams Research Journal. 2013; 3 (7); 1-5. (I.F= 0.25).
13.    Venkata subbaiah KP and Savithramma N. Characterization and validation of silver  nanoparticles of Psoralea corylifolia L. Seeds. The Journal of Bioprocess Technology. Photon. 2013; 97: 217. (I.F= 3.97).
14.    Sasikala A, Linga Rao M and Savithramma N. Quantification of primary and secondary metabolites from leaves and stem bark of Cochlospermum religiosum (L) Alston. International Research Journal of Pharmacy. 2013; 4 (8): 228-231. (I.F= 0.23).
15.    Savithramma N, Lingarao M and Suhrulatha D. Qualitative and quantification  analysis of phytochemicals from leaf aqueous extract of Allamanda cathartica L. and Terminalia paniculata Roth. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2013; 1 (8): 821-825. (I.F= 2.66).
16.    Kedarnath Reddy A and Savithramma N. Effect of calcium chloride on growth and biochemical changes of black gram (Vigna mungo L.) under salt stress. Golden Research Thoughts. 2013; 3 (2): 1-6. (I.F= 1.2105).
17.    Venkata subbaiah KP and Savithramma N. Antimicrobial efficacy of silver nanoparticles synthesized from Withania somnifera-an important ethnomedicinal herb of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2013; 22 (1): 216-222. (I.F= 1.72).
18.    Sasikala A, Linga Rao M and Savithramma N. Histochemical studies of Cochlospermum religiosum (L) alston Weekly Science Research Journal. 2013; 1 (10): 1-7.
19.    Linga Rao M and Savithramma N. Histochemical studies of Svensonia hyderobadensis (walp.) mold-a rare medicinal plant taxon. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 2 (5): 3681-3640. (I.F= 1.690).
20.    SailajaT, Linga Rao M and Savithramma N. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytochemicals of Combretum albidum G. Don; from rare medicinal plant taxon. The Journal of Phytochemistry. Photon. 2013; 114: 220-225. (I.F= 3.67).
21.    Hari babu R and Savithramma N. Studies on physicochemical properties of some species of poaceac. The Journal of Ecology. Photon. 2013; 107: 240-247. (I.F= 4.58).
22.    Savithramma N, Linga Rao M, Yugandhar P, Suvarnalatha Devi P. Ethnomedicinal studies of Tumburu Theertham: A sacred grove of Tirumala hills, Andhra Pradesh, India. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine. Photon. 2013; 120: 547-556. (I.F= 3.17).
23.    Kedarnath Reddy A, Yugandhar P and Savithramma NCalcium chloride ameliorated sodium chloride salt stress in seedling growth of black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper)
24.    International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research. 2013; 3 (5): 151-162. (I.F= 2.94).
25.    Linga Rao M and Savithramma N. Biological synthesis and validation of silver nano particles from roots of Svensonia hyderobadensis (Walp.) Mold – a rare medicinal plant taxon. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research. 2013; 3 (5): 151-162. (I.F= 2.94).
26.    Yugandhar P and Savithramma N. Green synthesis of Calcium carbonate naniparticles and their effects on seed germination and seedling growth of Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2013; 1 (8): 89-103. (I.F= 1.65).
27.    Venkata subbaiah KP and Savithramma N. Characterization and validation of silver nanoparticles from Holarrhena pubescens-an important ethnomedicinal plant of Kurnool district,Andhra Pradesh,india. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 2 (6): 6288-6300. (I.F= 1.690).
28.    Hari babu R and Savithramma N. Phytochemical screening of underutilized species of Poaceae. JPR:BioMedRx. An International Journal. 2013; 1 (10); 947-951. (I.F= 2.66).
29.    Linga Rao M, Bhumi G and Savithramma N. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Allamanda cathartica L. leaf extract and evaluation for antimicrobial activity. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology. 2013; 6 (4): 2260-2268.
30.    Venkata subbaiah KP and Savithramma N. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles and antimicrobiology from Cadaba foruticosa - an impartment ethnomedicial plant in treat vitiligo of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2013; 3 (12): 1285-1292. (I.F= 0.85).
31.    Anitha.G. and   Sudarsanam, G.  Studies on Antimicrobial Activity of Boswellia ovalifoliolata against Xanthomonas – Citri and Salmonella typhynurium. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology.2013; 4 (1): 243-247.
32.    Anitha,G.  and   Sudarsanam, G.  Studies  on  antimicrobial  activity  of  Tephrosia calophylla  against  Xanthomonas citri  and  Salmonella typhimurium. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2013; 4 (1): 339- 342
33.    Sekhar. J,G.,   Sudarsanam, G. Penchala Pratap & M.A.Salam. Macro and Microscopical Studies of the Leaves of Rivea hypocrateriformis (Desr.) Choisy.  Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2013; 3 (3): 2625-2635. (I.F= 0.85).
34.    Khaleel Basha,S., E.Anjaneyulu and   Sudarsanam, G.  Herbal plants for wound healing among Sugali tribes of Yerramalais of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology. 2013; 28 (1): 19-25.
35.    Anjaneyulu, E. and  Sudarsanam, G.  Folk Medicinal Plants Used In the Treatment of Asthma in Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh, India. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical  Sciences. 2013; 4 (1): 833-839.
36.    Anjaneyulu, E. and  Sudarsanam, G.  Some Ethnomedicinal Plants used for Treatment of Cough in Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, India . Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical  Sciences. 2013; 4 (1): 1390-1395.
37.    Alekhya. C, Yasodamma. N and Chaithra. DAnthelmintic Activity Studies on Pheretima Posthuma with Cycas Beddomei Dyer. Leaf, Bark, and Male Cone Extracts. Int J Pharm Bio Sci. 2013; 4 (2): 34-38. (I.F= 0.48).
38.    Alekhya. C, Yasodamma. N and Chaithra. D.Antibacterial and Physico-Chemical Studies of Cycas beddomei Dyer. Male and Female Cones. Int. J Pharm Bio Sci. 2013; 4 (2): 647 – 656. (I.F= 0.48).
39.    Chaithra. D, Yasodamma. N and Alekhya. C. Phytochemical Screening of Curcuma neilgherrensis Wt. An Endemic Medicinal Plant from Seshachalam Hills (A.P) India.
40.    Int J. Pharm Bio Sci. 2013; 4 (2): 409-412. (I.F= 0.48).
41.    N. Yasodamma, K. S. Shanthi Sree, C. Alekhya, A. Job Roger Binny. In- Vitro Antioxidant Activity and Quantitative Analysis” of Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Compounds of Sebastiania chamaelea Muell. Arg. Leaf Extracts. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2013; 4 (2): 623-629. (I.F= 0.48).
42.    K. Naga Malleswari, N. Yasodamma, A. Job Roger Binny. Phytochemical Screening, Antibacterial and Antifungal Studies of Pittosporum floribundum Wight & Arn. Leaf, Bark, Fruit and Seed Extracts. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2013; 4 (2): 464 – 474 (I.F= 0.48).
43.    Yasodamma. N, Shanthi Sree. K.S, Nagamalleswari. K, D. Chaithra, C.Alekhya. Antifungal Activity of Sebastiania chamaelea Muell.Arg.  Leaf Crude and Fractional Extracts.International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 5 (2): 243-244. (I.F= 1.59).
44.    Yasodamma. N, Chaithra. D and Alekhya. C. Anthelmintic Activity of   Curcuma neilgherrensis Wt. From Seshachalam Hills. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 5 (2): 143-145. (I.F= 1.59).
45.    Alekhya. C, Yasodamma. N, Chaithra. D, Job Roger Binny. A. Anthelmintic Activity of Aeschynomene aspera and Aeschynomene indica. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 5 (2): 386-388. (I.F= 1.59).
46.    Yasodamma. N, Shanthi Sree. K. S, Alekhya. C. Antidiarrhoeal Activity of Sebastiania chamaelea Muell.Arg. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 5 (2): 169-171. (I.F= 1.59).
47.    Yasodamma. N, Shanthi Sree. K. S, Alekhya. C. Antidiabetic Activity of Sebastiania chamaelea Muell. Arg. Leaf extracts in Alloxan induced Diabetic albino rats. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 5 (2): 577-583. (I.F= 1.59).
48.    Chaithra. D, Yasodamma N, and Alekhya. C. Antibacterial Activity of   Curcuma neilgherrensis Wt. From Seshachalam Hills. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 5 (2): 571-576. (I.F= 1.59).
49.    N.Yasodamma, K.S. Shanthi Sree, C. Alekhya, D. Chaithra, A. Job Roger Binny. Pharmacognostic Studies of Sebastiania chamaelea Muell. Arg. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 5 (3): 833-839. (I.F= 1.59).
50.    Suvarnalatha. A, Yasodamma. N, Chaithra. D. Phytochemical and Antibacterial activity of Indigofera hirsuta L. Fruit Extracts. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2013; 3 (4): 4026-4032. (I.F= 0.97).
51.    Chaithra. D, Yasodamma. N, Alekhya. C. Antifungal activity of Curcuma neilgherrensis Wt. A wild Medicinal Plant. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2013; 3 (4): 3903-3909. (I.F= 1.59).
52.    C. Alekhya, N.Yasodamma, D. Chaithra. Qualitative analysis of phenols, flavonoids and anthocyanidins of Cycas beddomei Dyer. An Endemic gymnosperm of Seshachalam hill ranges. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2013; 3 (12): 1632-1641. (I.F= 0.97).
53.    Vijaya. T, Chandra Mouli. K, Nirmala Chiluvuru.  Influence of microbial inoculants on production of andrographolide and control of root rot in Andrographis paniculata. World journal of science and technology. 2013; 24 (3): 768-772. (I.F= 2.2).
54.    G.Ramakrishnaiah and T.Vijaya. Influence of Vam fungi and Azotobacter and PSB on soil phosphatase activity and nutrient status in rhizosphere of Stevia rauediana(Bert) plant, American Journal of Plant Sciences. 2013; 3 (4): 45-50. (I.F= 3.2).
55.    N.VenkateswarluK.Chandramouli, T.Vijaya, D.Pragathi C.Nirmala,Vasu.N.Reddy, D.AnithaInfluence of  microbial inoculants on production of andrgraphanolides and control of root rot in Andrographis paniculata. World Journal of Science and Technology. 2013; 4 (2): 1-4 (I.F= 2.2).
56.    D.Anitha,T.Vijaya, D.Pragathi and K.Chandra mouli. Isolation and characterization of endophytic fungi from endemic plants of Tirumala hills. International Journal of Life science,Biotechnology and Pharma research. 2013; 2 (3): 1-9 (I.F= 1.14).
57.    D.Anitha, T.Vijaya, K.Chandra mouli, D.Pragathi. Microbial endophytes and their potential for improved Bioremediation and Biotransformation a review. International Journal of Pharmacy and biological sciences. 2013; 3 (8): 1-9 (I.F= 1.2).
58.    N.Venkateswarlu, T.Vijaya, K.Chandra mouli, D.Pragathi, D.Anitha. Invitro inhibitory effects of medicinal plant extracts on Sclerotium oryzae –a fungi causing stem rot in paddy. International Journal of pharmacy and biological science. 2013; 3: 47-52. (I.F= 1.2).
59.    K.Chandra sekhar, K.Chandra mouli, T.Vijaya, .Nagaraju. Evidence for biopotential of phosphorylated Ganciclovir derivatives in diet induced obese rats with impaired immunity, design, synthesis, and Immunomodulatory activity Chem med chem. 2013. (I.F= 3.0).
60.    D.Pragathi,T.Vijaya, K.Chandra mouli, D.Anitha and DVR Sai gopal. Diversity of fungal endophyte and their bioactive metabolites from endemic plants of Tirumala hills-seshachalam biosphere reserve. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2013; 4 (7): 84-89. (I.F= 0.56).
61.    Chandra mouli, T.Vijaya, D.Pragathi, D.Anitha and D.V.R.Sai gopal. Diversity indices and immunemodulating potential of fungal endophytes from endemic plants to Tirumala hills of Seshachalam biosphere Reserve India. Journal of Experimental and Clinical medicine. 2013. (I.F= 1.5).
62.    K.Chandra mouli, T.Vijaya, D.Pragathi, D.Anitha. Exploring the invitro and invivo Immunomodulatory activities of Aspergillus aculeatinus and Cochliobolus lunatus Mycoendophytes of Boswellia ov alifoliolata from Tirumala hills. Evidence based complementary and alternative medicine. 2013. (I.F= 1.77).
63.    A.Sandhya ,T.Vijaya and N.Narasimha. Effect of microbial inoculation (VAM and PSB) on soil physio chemical properties. Journal of Biotechnology. 2013. (I.F= 0.63).
64.    A.Sandhya, T.Vijaya and N.Narasimha. Influence of VAM and PSB on growth and biochemical constituents of Marsdenia volubilis. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2013. (I.F= 0.56).
65.    D.Suresh Bhragav, T.Vijaya, NVenkateswarlu, K.Chandra Mouli, K.K.Sarma, C.NagarajuEndophytic fungal diversity from endemic plants of Tirumala Hills in Eastern Ghats and their anticandidal activity. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2013; 3 (1): 834-847(I.F= 2.8).
66.    N.Vasudeva Reddy, S.B.Ghosh, K.Chandra Mouli, T.Vijaya, B.Pushpalatha, D.Anitha, D.Pragathi. Optimization of biomass yield and asiaticoside accumulation in the callus cultures from the leaves of Centella asiatica (L). Urban. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 2 (6): 5966-5976. (I.F= 2.6).
67.    Radaiah. A, Nagalakshmi Devamma. M. Biological control of Aspergillus niger causing collar rot of groundnut. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2013; 5 (15): 47-51
68.    Radaiah. A, Nagalakshmi Devamma. M. Molecular characterization of bioagents against Aspergillus niger causing collar rot of ground nut. International Journal of plant Sciences. 2013;  4 (10): 18-21.
69.    Venu Gopal A, Nagalakshmi Devamma M, Sreeramulu A. Host-Range studies of Cassytha filiformis L. in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Golden Research Thoughts. 2013.
70.    Sasikala T.P, Venkateswara Rao  Kamakshamma. J. Intrapopulation genetic diversity assessed in Teprosia calophylla Bedd.,  A rare Medicinal plant using RAPD markers. International journal of pharma and biosciences. 2013; 4 (3): 13. (I.F= 0.47).
71.    Venkateswara Rao, A  Kamakshamma. J. Phytochemical screening  and antioxidant activity of bark extracts Chionanthus zeylanica Linn., as an important medicinal plant in eastern ghats. International journal of drug development and research. 2013; 5 (2): 13. (I.F= 0.13).
72.    Kamakshamma, J and  Paramageetam .Ch. Effect of Ichnocarpus frutescens ethanolic root extract on plasma insulin  glycogen and glycoprotein s in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Indian journal of comparative animal physiology. 2013; 27 (2): 96-99.
73.    Kamakshamma.J and Sudarsanam .G. Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activity of ethanolic extracts of Strychnos pototorum on normal and alloxan induced diabetic animals. The Bioscan. 2013; 3 (4): 405-407.
74.    Kamakshamma.J. Venkateswara Rao. Sand Vasundaramma.J. Effecacy of Chionanthus zeylanica l.  extract on blood glucose, plasma insulin and  tissue lycoproteins in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. International journal of GRT. 2013. (I.F= 1.12).

YEAR: 2012   Total Publications: 58 ; Impact Factor: 34.926

1.       M. Linga Rao and N. Savithramma, Quantification of primary and secondary   metabolites of Svensonia hyderobadensis - a rare medicinal plant. International Journal   of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2012; 1 (3); 513-521. (I.F: 1.59)
2.       K.P.Venkata Subbaiah & N. Savithramma, Bio-prospecting and documentation of traditional medicinal plants used to treat ringworm by ethnic groups of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2012; 4(1); 251-255. (I.F: 1.59).
3.       K. P. Venkata Subbaiah and N. Savithramma, Bio-prospecting and documentation of traditional medicinal plants used to treat itching, psoriasis and wounds by ethnic groups of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Asian Journal of   pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2012;5(2); 127-131. (I.F: 0.7)
4.       N.Savithramma , S. Ankanna, Beena Prabha, A. Sasikala ,  Micropropagation of Dysophylla myosuroides through leaf culture. Research in Biotechnology, 2012; 3(2); 83-88.
5.       K. P. Venkata Subbaiah & N. Savithramma, Bio-prospecting and documentation of traditional medicinal plants used to treat selected skin diseases by ethnic   groups of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Research, 2012;  3 (2); 790 – 797. (IF.0.524)
6.       M. Linga Rao and N. Savithramma, Antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized by using stem extract of   Svensonia hyderobadensis – a rare medicinal plant.  Research in Biotechnology, 2012; 3(3); 41-47.
7.       M. Linga Rao and N. Savithramma, Antimicrobial activity of Dasamoola –An Ayurvedic Drug. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2012; 1(3); 803-812. (I.F: 0.7)
8.       N. Savithramma, P.Venkateswarlu and  M. Linga Rao, Habit Assessment and seed germination of Boswellia ovalifoliolata Bal. & Henry – An endemic, endangered, globally threatened medicinal tree taxon of Seshachalam hill range of Eastern Ghats of India. International Journal of Review in Life Sciences, 2012; 2(2); 78-86.
9.       N. Savithramma , S. Ankanna , M. Linga Rao & J. Saradvathi, Studies on antimicrobial efficacy of medicinal tuberous shrub Talinum cuneifoliumJ. Environ. Biol, 33; 775-780. (I.F: 1.35)
10.    N. Savithramma , S. Ankanna , M. Linga Rao & J. Saradvathi, Studies on antimicrobial efficacy of medicinal tuberous shrub Talinum cuneifoliumJ. Environ. Biol.2012; 33; 775-780.(I.F:1.35)
11.    S. Ankanna & N. Savithramma, Studies on habitat survey and seed germination of Shorea tumbuggaia ROXB. A globally threatened medicinal tree taxon of seshachalam biosphere reserve of IndiaInternational Journal of Research in Bio-Sciences, 2012; 1(2); 63-70.
12.    S. Ankanna & N. Savithramma, Studies on habitat survey and seed germination of Shorea tumbuggaia ROXB. A globally threatened medicinal tree taxon of seshachalam biosphere reserve of IndiaInternational Journal of Research in Bio-Sciences, 2012; 1(2); 63-70.
13.    S. Ankanna & N. Savithramma, Pharmacognostic studies of Shorea tumbuggaia ROXB. A globally threatened sps. 4(34); 52-56. (I.F: 0.432)
14.    Savithramma N, Linga Rao M, Ankanna S and Venkateswarlu. P, Screening of medicinal plants for effective biogenesis of silver nano particles and efficient Anti-microbial activity. Inter J Pharma Sci Res, 2012; 3(4); 1141-1148.
15.    Sasikala A, Savithramma N, Biological Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Cochlospermum religiosum and their Antibacterial EfficacyJ Pharma Sci Res, 2012; 4; 1836. (I.F:2.3).
16.    Ankanna.S, D. Suhrulatha N. Savithramma, Chemotaxonomical studies of some important monocotyledons. Botany Research International, 2012; 5(4); 90.96.
17.    Savithramma.N, Linga Rao.M, Yugandhar. P and Haribabu. R, Ethno botanical study of  Penchalakona forest area of Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Phytomedicine, 2012; 4(3); 333-339. (I.F: 0.8)
18.    N.Savithramma, S. Ankanna & G. Bhumi, Effect of nanopartcles on seed germination of Boswellia ovalifoliolata- an endemic endangered medicinal tree taxon. Nanovision, 2012; 2 (1, 2&3); 61-68.
19.    Sasikala. A and Savithramma. N, In vitro plant regeneration of Cochlospermum religiosum through shoot tip culture.  Research Journal of Biotechnology, 2012; 7(4); 78-80.
20.    Savithramma. N, Linga Rao. M and Ankanna. S, Preliminary Phytochemical screening of some important medicinal plants. International Journal of Ayurvedic nd Herbal Medicine, 2012; 2(1); 139-145.
21.    Lingarao. M Savithramma. N, Michael David. K and Suvarnalatha Devi.P, Pharmacognostical study on Svensonia hyderobadensis (Waip.) Mold: a rare medicinal plant taxon. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 5(1); 541-543. (I.F: 2.36)
22.    Lingarao. M Savithramma. N, Michael David. K and Suvarnalatha Devi.P, Pharmacognostical study on Svensonia hyderobadensis (Waip.) Mold: a rare medicinal plant taxon. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2012; 5(1); 541-543. (I.F: 2.36)
23.    Linga Rao. M, Savithramma. N, Quantitative analysis of some secondary metabolites of Svensonia hyderobadensis (Walp.) Mold: a rare medicinal plant, International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 2012;6(2); 130-132.
24.    Venkateswarlu. P, Savithramma. N and Ravisekhar. P, Anti-ulcer activity of gum extract of Bosellia ovalifoliolata Bal. & Henry against aspirin, ethanol and indomethacin induced gastric mucosal injury in albino rats.
25.    Venkateswarlu. P, Savithramma. N and Ravisekhar. P, Anti-ulcer activity of gum extract of Bosellia ovalifoliolata Bal. & Henry against aspirin, ethanol and indomethacin induced gastric mucosal injury in albino rats. International Journal of Review in life Sciences, 2012; 2(4); 120-125.
26.    Savithramma. N, Linga rao. M and Ankanna. S, Preliminary Phytochemical analysis of traditionally used medicinal plants.  Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2012; 3(1); 308-314.
27.    Khaleel Basha Shaik,  Sudarsanam, G., Parveen.D&  Amnish Verma Conserving Biodiversity of Yerramalais of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India, through People’s Biodiversity Registers Program. Biodiversity Journal. 2012. 3 (2): 111-118.
28.    Khaleel Basha,S., and   Sudarsanam, G.  Traditional Use of Plants against Snakebite in Sugali tribes of Yerramalais of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. (Published by Elsevier ). 2012: 2 (2):S575-S579: (I.F = 0.71).
29.    Penchala Pratap.G, Sudarsanam.G. Jyothi. B, Prasad. G.P and Rasheed,N.M.A. Pharmacognostical and analytical studies of leaves of Cardiospermum canescens Wall International Journal of Phytomedicine 2012: 4:  386-394. (I.F = 0.89).
30.    Penchala Pratap, G, Sudarsanam, G.  and Asiyakhanum. Collection of Ethnobotanical data from the tribes of Udyagiri forest division in Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh, India, Hippocratic journal of Unani Medicine by Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (India) 2012
31.    Khaleel Basha. S, Sudarsanam. G and Parveen. D Plants used in the treatment of joint diseases (Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout and Lumbago) by the tribals of yerramalais forest of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Nordic Journal of Botany . 2012
32.    Rajagopal  Reddy. S, Madhusudhan Reddy. A,  YasodammaN. Exploration of wild ornamental flora of YSR district, Andhra Pradesh, India, Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 2012: :2(1): 192-199.
33.    Aruna. Chittamuri, Suvarnalatha Anchapakula, Alekhya. Cheruku, Chaithra. Dandu, Yasodamma. Nimmanapalli, Meerasaheb. Chittoor. Phytochemical Antimicrobial studies of an Herbal Medicinal plant Aeschynomene aspera L. Leaf extracts. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2012 : 5(4), 1827-1837. (I.F = 2.36).
34.    Alekhya Cheruku, Yasodamma Nimmanapalli and Chaithra Dandu, 2012. Physico-chemical Analysis and Antimicrobial activity of Cycas beddomei Dyer. Vegetative parts. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2012: 5(5), 2553-2558. (I.F = 2.36).
35.    Kavitha Bommana, Yasodamma Nimmanapalli, Alekhya Cheruku. In-vitro antibacterial and phytochemical studies of “Pterolobium hexapetalum (Roth.) Sant. and Wagh.” A medicinal plant of Nallamalai Hills, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2012: 5(5), 2750-2757. (I.F = 2.36).
36.    Aruna. Chittamuri, Alekhya. Cheruku, Chaithra. Dandu, Yasodamma. Nimmanapalli, 2012Studies on a semi arid legume Fodder Macroptilium atropurpureum (DC.) Urban. Bio Active constituents and antimicrobial activity-Recommended in Indian Pasture Lands. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2012: 5(5), 2431-2440. (I.F = 2.36).
37.    Shanthi Sree Kolaru Subramanyam, Yasodamma Nimmanapalli, Alekhya Cheruku. Anthelmintic activity of Sebastiania chamaelea Muell. Arg. Leaf extracts. Journal of Pharmacy Research.  2012: 5(5), 2810-2813. (I.F = 2.36).
38.    Aruna. C, Chaithra. D, Alekhya. C, Yasodamma. N. Pharmacognostic studies of Aeschynomene indica L. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2012:  4, ISSN: 0975-1491. (I.F = 1.59).
39.    Meera Saheb Chittoor, Avula Job Roger Binny, Siva Kumari Yadlapalli, Alekhya Cheruku, Chaithra Dandu, Yasodamma Nimmanapalli, 2012 Anthelmintic and Antimicrobial studies of Drimia indica (Roxb.). Jessop. Bulb aqueous extracts.. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2012: 5: 3677-3686. (I.F = 2.36).
40.    Sreevani Depuru, Suvarnalatha. A, Srilatha. AB., Yasodamma. N. Qualitative Phytochemical Studies on Syzygium alternifolium (Wight) Walp. International Journal of Medico biological Research:2012:  1 (7):352-355.
41.    D.Haribabu Rao, T.Vijaya , B.V.Ramana naidu, P.Subramanyam and D.Jayasimha Rayalu.  A study on Nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilizing micro organisms on growth and physiology of Plumbago Zeylanica.L.  International journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2012. 3 (4). (I.F = 0.27).
42.    D.Haribabu Rao, T.Vijaya, B.V.Ramana naidu, P.Subramanyam and D.Jayasimha Rayalu. Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial studies of compounds isolated from Plumbago zeylanica.L. International Journal of Analytical.Pharmaceutical and Biomedical sciences. 2012. 1(3): (I.F = 0.29).
43.    K.Chandramouli,T.Vijaya and S.Dattatreya Rao. Effectiveness of flavanoid-rich leaf extract of Acalypha indica in reversing experimental of Myocardial Ischemia:Biochemical and histopathological evidence. Journal of Chinese integrative medicine.2012: 10: 784-792(I.F = 0.96).
44.    T.Vijaya, M.Gangadri, D.Anitha, D.Pragathi, K.Chandra Mouli and V.Sravani.  Isolation and molecular identification of endophytic fungi from Boswellia ovalifoliolata an endemic plant to Tirumala hills). NCBI. 2012.
45.    T.Vijaya, M.Gangadri, D.Anitha, D.Pragathi, K.Chandra Mouli and V.Sravani. Isolation and molecular identification of endophytic fungi from Pterocarpus santalinus an endemic plant to Tirumala hills.  NCBI. 2012.
46.    Nagalakshmi Devamma. M and J. Patricia Rajkumari. Management of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. causing mango anthracnose of Chittoor   district of Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Current Biotica. 2012.
47.    Ravi Sankar, N., and Nagalskshmi Devamma, M.  Occurance of Uromyces longipedicellaris, the causal agent of rust disease on Rumex vesicarius in South India of Plant. Journal Disease Sciences. 2012: 7 (1): 113-114.
48.    M.Kavya Deepthi, M. Solomon Sudhakar and M. Nagalakshmi Devamma. Isolation and Screening of Streptomyces species from Coringa mangrove soils for enzyme production and antimicrobial activity. International Journal of Pharmaceutical, chemical and biological sciences. 2012: 2 (1): 110-116.
49.    Nagalakshmi Devamma. M, Patricia Rajkumari. J and Suvarnalatha Devi. P. Fungicide compatible potential biocontrol agents against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. Causing mango anthracnose. Current Biotica. 2012: 5 (4): 454-464.
50.    Thahir Basha. A, Radaiah. M, Nagalakshmi Devamma. M and Eswara Reddy, N.P. Biocontrol potential of indigenous Pseudomonas spp. Against Sclerotium rolfsii causing stem rot of Ground nut. International Journal of food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences. 2012: 2 (1): 131-141.
51.    M. Kavya Deepthi and M. Nagalakshmi Devamma. L-Asparaginase activity of         Pseudonocardia sp. isolated from mangrove soils along the east coast of Southern India. Current Biotica. 2012: 6 (2): 189-197.  
52.    Durga Prameela G, TNVKV Prasad, M. Nagalakshmi Devamma, EK elumalai, PM Ayyasamy, T. Kiran reddy.  Isolation and characterization of hematopoietic stem cells from human umbilical cord blood for cell therapy.  International journal of Bioassays (IJB). 2012: 107-111.
53.    Dakshayani. K, Lingappa. Y, Sayaji Rao. M, Nagalakshmi Devamma. M and Deepa.K. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of 5- Methyl, Thiophene-2- Carboxaldehyde Derivatives of Copper (11), Cobalt (11) and Nickel (11) complexes. International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2012:  3 (1).
54.    Giridhar. D, Ravi sankar. N, Kirankumar. V, Kartheek. D, Rajanikanth. P and Nagalakshmi Devamma. M.  Purification, characterization and antifungal activity of chitinase from Trichoderma viride N9.Journal of cell and Tissue Research. 2012: 12 (3): 3187-3192.
55.    Venkata Rami Reddy. K, Nagalakshmi Devamma. M, Prayaga Murthy. P. Some folk medicinal plants of Bhiravakona hills of Prakasam district, A.P., India. Current Botany. 2012: 3 (5): 51-58.
56.    K. Tulasi Rao, M. Mahendranath, & K. Madhava Chetty. Pharmacognostical and Anatomical studies on Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Roxb. an important medicinal plant in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journals of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences. 2012: 2 (2): 223-229.
57.    L.Ramesh, M. Mahendranath & K. Madhava Chetty. Comparative pharmacognostic studies of orginal taxa with substituent used in Ayurvedic drug Kakanasa. Indian Journals of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences.  2012: 2 (1): 1-11.
58.    K. Sivaji, M. Mahendranath, L. Ramesh & K. Madhava Chetty. Comparative pharmacognostical studies on Terminalia arjuna used in Ayurvedic during Arjuna with its adulterant Kavalama urens. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences. 2012: 1 (2): 229-238.

YEAR: 2011   Total Publications: 43 ;  Impact Factor: 29.363

59.    Savithramma. NShorea tumbuggaia Roxb. Endemic, endangered and medicinal tree taxa under threat. Non-wood news, 2011; 2249.
60.    Savithramma. N, Linga Rao. M & Basha. S.K.M, Anti-fungal efficacy of silver nanoparticles synthesized from the medicinal plants. International Journal of   Der Pharma Chemical, 2011; 3(3); 364-372. (I.F: 0.45)
61.    SKM. Basha, G. Fareeda and Savithramma. N, Effect of NaCl stress amelioration with CaCl2 on protease and polypeptide analysis of groundnut. Indian J. Plant Physiol, 2011; 6(2); 283-287.
62.    S.K.M.Basha. G. Fareeda & SavithrammaN, Effect of NaCl, CaCl2 and their interaction on proline, glycine betaine and lipoxygenase activity during seedling development of groundnut. I. J. Plant Physiology, 2011;16 (2); 168-173. (I.F: 2.5)
63.    Savithramma. N, Linga Rao. M & Bhumi. G, Phytochemical screening of Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland and Tridax procumbens L. Journal of Chemical Pharm. Res, 2011;3(5); 28-34.
64.    Savithramma. N, Linga Rao M. and Ankanna.  S, Screening of Traditional medicinal plants for secondary medicinal plants. Intl. J. Res.Pharm,2011; 2(4); 643-647.
65.    Ankanna. S &  Savithramma. N, Quantitative analysis of some secondary metabolites of Shorea tumbuggaia: An endemic endangered and globally threatened medicinal tree species. J . of  Pharmacy Research, 2011;4 (10); 3582-3584. (I.F: 2.36)
66.    Linga Rao. M & Savithramma. N, Phytochemical Screening Of Dasamoola. An Ayurvedic Drug International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2011; 3; 318-320. (I.F = 1.59).
67.    Ankanna. S & Savithramma. N, Biological synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using stem of shorea tumbuggaia and its antimicrobial efficacy. Asian journal of Pharmaceutical Clinical Research, 2011; (4) 2; 137-141. (I.F: 0.7).
68.    Ankanna. S & Savithramma. N, Biological synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using stem of shorea tumbuggaia and its antimicrobial efficacy. Asian journal of Pharmaceutical Clinical Research, 2011;4(2); 137-141. (I.F: 0.7).
69.    Ankanna. S & Savithramma. N, Evaluation of secondary metabolites of Shorea tumbuggaia . A globally threatened medicinal tree taxon of Seshachalam Biosphere reserve. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2011; 3 (5); 403-405. (I.F = 1.59).
70.    Savithramma. N & BhumiG, Quantitative estimation of Biochemical compounds of Boswellia ovalifoliolata Bal&Henry-An endemic, endangered and globally threatened medicinal tree taxa of Seshachalam hill range of Eastern Ghats of India.     Journal of pharmacy research, 2011; 12; 469. (I.F = 2.36).
71.    Venkata Subbaiah. K.P and  Savithramma. N, Bio-prospecting and documentation of traditional medicinal plants used to treat leprosy and eczema by ethnic groups of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of pharmacy research, 2011; 4(12); 488-490. (I.F = 2.36).
72.    Savithramma. N, Linga Rao. M and Suvarnalatha. P, Anti microbial activity of silver nano particles synthesized by using medicinal plants. International Journal of Chem Tech Research, 2011; 3(3); 1394-1402. (I.F:0.23)
73.    Savithramma. N, Linga Rao. M and Suvarnalatha. P, Screening of medicinal plants for secondary metabolites. Middle-East J. of Scientific Research, 2011;3; 579-584.
74.    Linga Rao. M, Savithramma. N, Phytochemical studies of Svensonia hyderobadensis (Walp.) Mold- A rare medicinal plant. Scholars Research Library, 2011; 3(4); 51-55.
75.    Savithramma. N, Linga Rao. M and Ankanna. S, Phytochemical screening of Traditional medicinal plants. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2011; 4 (10); 3414-3416. (I.F = 2.36).
76.    Basha S.K.M, Umamaheswari. P, Rambabu. M and Savithramma. N, Ethnobotanical study of Mamandur Forest (Kadapa-Nallamalai Range) in Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of  Phytology, 2011; 3(10); 44-47.
77.    Basha S.K.M, Fareed. G and Savithramma. N, Lipid peroxidation . Antioxidant enzymes and Lipoxygenase activities during salinity stress on early seedling growth of groundnut (Arachis hypogea). Vegitos, 2011; 24 (2); 175-179.
78.    Sekhar. J, Penchala Pratap, G. SudarsanamG. and Prasad. G.P. Ethnic Information On Treatments For Snake Bites In Kadapa District Of Andhra Pradesh.  Life sciences Leaflets. 2011: 12: 368-375.
79.    Khaleel Basha. S, Sudarshanam. G and Niazparveen. D. Plant Sources for the Treatment of Jaundice In the Sugali Tribes of Yerramalais Forest of Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, India. Life sciences Leaflets. 2011: 14:  449-457.
80.    Neelima. M, Prasad. G.P., Sudarsanam G, Penchala Pratap. G, Jyothi. B. Ethno botanical studies in Rapur forest division of Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh. Life Sciences Leaf Lets.2011: 11: 333-345.
81.    Khaleel Basaha. S, Sudarsanam. G, Niaz Parveen. D and  Vijaya Vani . Evaluation of antibacterial activity of some Medicinal plants used by Sugali tribe of Yerramalais forest of Andhra Pradesh, (In Press) :  Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2011. (I.F = 2.36).
82.    Khaleel basha. S., Sudarsanam. G, Niaz Parveen. D, and  Vijaya Vani. Multiple herbal therapy - Antimicrobial activity of wound healing paste (Pasuru) used by Sugali tribes of Yerramalais of Kurnool District., Andhra Pradesh, India” (In Press). International Journal of PharmTech Research. 2011
83.    Jyothi1. B, Penchala. V, Pratap,  Sudarsanam. G, Bulusu Sitaram and Vasudha. K . Ethno botanical investigation of underground plant parts form chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Life sciences Leaflets : 2011: 18: 695-699.
84.    Khaleel Basha. S, Sudarsanam. G,  Ganesh. P,  Niaz .D, Parveen,Vijaya Vani . Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of Four   Medicinal Plants of Yerramalais Forest against Human Pathogens. International  Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2011: 3(3): 1427-1433.
85.    Sekhar. J, Penchala Pratap. G, SudarsanamG and Prasad. G.P. Data on herbal remedies from the tribes of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh in India. Life Sciences Leaf Lets. 2011:1(7): 621-630.
86.    Beverly C David, Sudarsanam. G. Ethnomedicinal plant knowledge and practice of people of Javadhu hills in Tamilnadu. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine.2011: 11: 79-81. (I.F = 0.763).
87.    Khaleel Basha. S, Sudarsanam. G, Silar Mohammad. M and Niaz Parveen. D. Investigations on anti-diabetic medicinal plants used by Sugali tribal inhabitants of yerramalais of Kurnool district Andhra Pradesh, India.  Stamford Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2011;  4(2): 19-24.
88.    Penchala Pratap. G, Sudarsanam. G, Jyothi. B, Prasad. G.P and Michel David. K.  Ethnopharmacognostical Investigation on Ipomoea pes-tigridis Linn.  International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2011: 3:  524-539.  (I.F = 0.89).
89.    Shanthi sree. K, Nagamalleswari. K, Chaithra. D, Yasodamma. N. Traditional usage of Calotropis procera R.Br. against migraine. Current Science, 2011: (9)101. (I.F = 0.96).
90.    Raja Gopal Reddy. S, Madhusudhan Reddy. A, Yasodamma. N. Ethnobotanical survey of Seshachalam hill range of Kadapa district, A.P. India. Indian journal of Fundamental and applied Life sciences, 2011: 1(4):324-329.
91.    Sreevani. D, Devaraju. T, Ravi Sekhar. P, Savitri, Nagalakshamamma. K, N. Yasodamma. Antihyperglycemic Activity of Leaf extracts of Syzygium alternifolium (Wight) and Syzygium cumini (Linn) Skeels in STZ induced Diabetic rats. The EcoScan, An International Journal of Environment; 2011:1., 93-97.
92.    Vijaya. T, Chandra Mouli. K, Nirmala Chiluvuru. Influence of microbial inoculants on production of andrographolide and control of root rot in Andrographis paniculata.  Crop Protection  (In Press). 2011
93.    Pushpa. B. Latha ,Rama Manohar Reddy.I, Vijaya. T, Dattatreya Rao. S., Mannur Ismail. S, Girish. B.P. Effect of Saponins rich extract of Achyranthes aspera on high fat diet fed male rats. Journal of pharmacy Research. 2011. 4 (9): 3190-3193. (I. F: 1.02).
94.    Pushpa Latha. B, Rama Manohar Reddy .I, Vijaya. T, Dattatreya Rao. S. Therapeutic efficacy of Achyranthes aspera Saponin extract in high fat diet induced hyperlipidaemia in male wistar rats. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011: 10 (74) : 17038-17042. (I. F: 0.59).
95.    Rama Manohar .I Reddy, Pushpa B. Latha , Vijaya. T, Dattatreya S.Rao.  The Saponin –Rich fraction of Gymnema sylvestre E R.Br. Aqueous Leaf Extract Reduced Cafeteria and high -Fat Diet -Induced Obesity. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. 2011: 15(46): 18-25. (I.F = 0.86)
96.    Anitha .D, Vijaya. T Pragathi. D, Gangadri. M, Chandra Mouli. K. Industrial Potentials of endophytic microorganisms. Journal of pharmacy Research. 2011: 46:  1843-1847. (I.F = 2.36).
97.    Rama Manohar Reddy.I, Pushpa B. Latha, Vijaya. T, Dattatreya S.Rao. Saponin rich aqueous extract of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br reduced high fat diet induced obesity in wistar rats. Journal of pharmacy Research. 2011:  44:  1237-1239. (I.F = 2.36).
98.    Pragathi. D, Vijaya. T, Anitha. D, Chandra Mouli. K, Sai Gopal. D.V.R.  Botanical immuno modulators-Potential therapeutic agents Journal of Global Pharma Technology. 2011: 37:1-14.
99.    Nagalakshmi Devamma,M. and Giridhar. D. First report of Alternaria alternate causing leaf spot on Rumex vesicarius in India. Australian Plant Disease Notes. 2011.
100.Ravi Sankar, N., Nagalskshmi Devamma, M., Kiran Kumar, V. and Giridhar, D. First report of Fusarium moniliforme causing fruit rot of tinda (Praecitrullus fistulosus) in India. New disease Reports. 2011.

101.K. Dakshayani,Y. Lingappa, M. Santhosh Kumar, Sayaji Rao. Synthesis and characterization of cobalt (II), nickel (II), copper (II) and mercury (II) complexes of hetero donor ligand. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2011: 3(6): 506-513.

YEAR-2010    Total Publications: 35 ;  Impact Factor: 8.947

1.       Savithramma. N, Pimpinella tirupatiensis: An endemic medicinal tuber under threat. Inf. Bulletin on Non-Wood Forest Products (Non-wood News), 2010; 20; 49-50. (I.F:0.25).
2.       Ankanna, Prasad, Elumalai, Savithramma. N, Digest Biogenesis of silver nanoparticles using Boswellia ovalifoliolata stem bark. Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2010; 5(2); 369-372. (I.F: 2.0).
3.       Savithramma. N, Venkateswarlu. P, Suhrulatha. D, Basha S.K.M. and Venkata Ramana Devi. Ch, Studies of Boswellia ovalifoliolata Bal and Henry – an endemic and endangered medicinal plant. The Bioscan, 2010; 5(3); 359-362.
4.       Basha S.K.M, Fareeda. G & Savithramma. N, Effect of NaCl2 stress ameliorated with CaCl2 on Nucleotides and polypeptides during germination in ground nuts. The Bioscan, 2010; 5(3); 427-432.
5.       Venkateswarlu. P, Ankanna. S, T.N.V.K.V.Prasad, Elumalai E.K, Nagajyothi P.C & SavithrammaN, Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Shorea tumbuggaia Stem. Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res, 2010; 2(4); 720-723. (I.F:1.5).
6.       Venkateswarlu. P, Ankanna. S, T.N.V.K.V.Prasad, Elumalai E.K, Nagajyothi P.C & SavithrammaN, Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Shorea tumbuggaia Stem Bark. Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res, 2010; 2(4); 720-723; (I.F:1.5).
7.       Basha S.K.M , Fareeda. G &  Savithramma. N, Protease, peroxidase and lipoxygenase activities during salinity stress on early seedling growth of groundnut Arachis hypogaea . J Indian Bot.Soc, 2010; 89(3&4); 281-287.
8.       Savithramma. N, Ankanna. S, Beena Prabha, and Sasikala. A, Micropropagation of Talinum cuneifolium through petiole culture. Asian Journal of Environmental Science, 2010; 158-163. (I.F:0.1).
9.       Savithramma. N, Linga Rao. M and Suvarnalatha Devi. P, Evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of biologically synthesized silver Nanoparticles using stem barks of Boswellia ovalifoliolata and Shorea tumbuggaia, 2010; 11(1); 39-45.
10.    Linga Rao. M and Savithramma. N, Biological Synthesis of Silver nano particles using Svensonia hyderbadensis leaf extract and evaluation of its antimicrobial efficacy. J. of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, 2010;3(3); 1117-1121. (I.F:2.30).
11.    Jyothi. B, Sudarsanam. G, Bulusu Sitaram, Prasada Babu. G and Yasodamma. N. Ethno botanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Dermatogenic Diseases in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Ethno botanical Leaflets, 2010; 14(5); 11-17.
12.    Jyothi. B, Bulusu Sitaram, Sudarsanam. G, Nagalakshmi Devamma.M Paramageetham. Ch  and Prasada Babu. G, Macro-microscopic and physico-chemical details of Rostellularia procumbens (L.) Nees var. simplex (D.Don) Yamasaki. International Journal of Plant sciences, 2010; 5(1); 192-197.
13.    Jyothi. B. Sudarsanam. G, Bulusu Sitaram, Paramageetham. Ch  and Prasada Babu. G, Pharmacognostical studies of a market sample of Parpataka Rostellularia prostrata(R.Br. ex. C.B. Clarke) R.Br. International Journal of Plant sciences, 2010; 5 (1); 274-280.
14.    Jyothi. B. Sudarsanam. G, Bulusu Sitaram, Paramageetham. Ch  and Prasada Babu. G Pharmacognostical studies of a market sample of Parpataka Rostellularia prostrata(R.Br. ex. C.B. Clarke) R.Br. International Journal of Plant sciences; 2010; 5(1): 274-280
15.    Jyothi,B. Bulusu Sitaram, Sudarsanam.G, Nagalakshmi Devamma. M., Paramageetham. Ch and Prasada Babu. G. Medicinal plants used in gynaecological disorders in Chittoor district, A.P., India.International Journal of Plant sciences.2010:  5(2); 350- 352
16.    Jyothi. B, Bulusu Sitaram and Sudarsanam. G. Pharmacognosy of a local market sample of Parpataka Molugo cerviana (L.) Ser. Pharmacognosy journal. 2010: 2 (8): 233-239.
17.    Penchal Pratap. G, Sudarsanam. G. Reshmi Pushpan, Prasad. G. Herbal remedies for Snakebites in Ethnic practices of Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh. Ancient Science of Life. 2010: 29(4): 13-16.
18.    Penchala Pratap. G, Sudarsanam. G,  Jyothi. B and G.P. Prasad. Ethnic practices on Urinary Disorders and Jaundice from the Tribes of Nellore District Andhra Pradesh, India.  Ethno botanical Leaflets. 2010: 14:  976-985.
19.    Kahleel Basha. S & Sudarshanam. G. Ethno botanical studies on medicinal plants used by Sugalis of Yerramalais in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaInternational Journal of Phytomedicine.  2010; 2 : 349-353. (I.F = 0.89).
20.    Jyothi. B. Bulusu Sitaram and Sudarsanam. G. Pharmacognosy of South Indian market sample of Parpataka Rungia repene (L.) Nees: International Journal of Plant Sciences.2010: 5 (2):  404-411
21.    Jyothi, B, Sudarsanam. G, Bulusu Sitaram and Prasad Babu. G. Pharmacognosy of  local market sample of parpataka polycarpaea corymbosa(L.) Lam. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 2010: 5 (2):  613-619.
22.    Jyothi. B, Sudharsanam.G. G, Sitaram. B, Prasad Babu. G, Yasodamma. N. Ethanomedicinal survey of Medicinal plants used in the treatment of Dermatogenic Diseases in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Ethnobotanical Leaflets. 2010: 14(4):511-517.
23.    Pushpa Latha. B, Rama Manohar Reddy. I and Vijaya.T. Effect of 2, 4 Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid on carbohydrate metabolism in tissue of albino rats. Asian J. of Experimental Biological Sciences.2010: 1(3):  554-557.
24.    Haripriya. M.  Vijaya. T, Chandra Mouli. K. Effect of water stress on growth, metabolic activities of Withania somnifera An important phytoceutical plant: ameliorative effects of VAM, JGPT. 2010: 2(3).
25.    Vijaya. T and Chandra Mouli. K. Standardization of an eco friendly and low cost technique for production of bio fertilizers from waste water for sustainable environment. The BioScan. 2010: 141-150.
26.    Vijaya. T and Chandra Mouli. K, Fareeda. G. Comparative studies on growth and remediation of waste water by two cyanobacterial biofertilizers. 2010: 75(3): 16-21.
27.    Vijaya. T, Chandra Mouli. K, Murthy. S.D.S. Biomass production and phytoremediation of kitchen waste water with Nostoc muscorum – a potential biofertilizer.2010: 3 (1): 25-30.
28.    Nirmala. C and  Vijaya.T. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and vermicompost on growth of Andrographis paniculata – an important medicinal plant.  Journal of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. 2010. 24 (3): 212-216.
29.    Nagalakshmi Devamma. M. Medicinal Plants used in gynaecological disorders in Chittoor district, A.P., India.  International Journal of Plant Sciences.2010: 5 (1): 350-352.
30.    Nagalakshmi Devamma . M. Macro-Microscopic and physio-chemical details of Rostellularia procumbens L.Nees.  Var Simplex (D.Don). 2010: 5 (1): 192-197.
31.    Nagalakshmi Devamma. M. Studies on the effect of Xanthomonas compestris pv. Mangiferaeindicae on defense related enzymes in tolerant/susceptible varieties of Mango Geobios. 2010: 37: 65-70.
32.    Nagalakshmi Devamma . M. Cultural, morphological and pathogenic variability of Colletotrichum gleosporodes Penz. causing Mango anthrocnose. Geobios. 2010: 37: 2(3): 165-170.
33.    Nagalakshmi Devamma . M. Synthesis of Biological activity of Alkyl-2-(5-(hydroxyme;thyl)-5-Nitro-2-Oxo 1,3,2 Lamda5-Dioxaphosphinan-2-yl)amino acid esters.  Journal of Chem.Pharm.Res.2010: 2 (3): 109-116. (IF: 0.24).
34.    Nagalakshmi Devamma. M. Isolation and characterization of alterniol and alternariol monomethyl ether produced by Alternaria alternate of groundnut.  The BioScan: 2010: 5 (2): 323-330.
35.    Nagalakshmi Devamma. M. Identification and characterization of tenuazonic acid as the causative agent of Alternaria alternate toxicity towards groundnut.  African Journal of Microbiology Research.  2010: 4 (20): 2184-2186. (IF: 0.407).

YEAR-2009  Total Publications: 17; Impact Factor: 2.214

1.   Ravi Sankar. N and A. Sreeramulu, Effect of Carbon and Nitrogen sources on growth, Biomass production and antifungal metabolities of Alternaria alternate and Cladosporium oxysporumJour. Plant Disease Sciences, 2009; 4 (1); 7-9.
2.   Ravi Sankar. N and A. Sreeramulu, Biochemical changes in teak leaves infected by Powder mildew fungus, Uncinula tectonae. J. Plant Disease Sciences, 2009; 4 (1); 57-59.
3.   Rajendrudu. G, Rapid in vitro propagation of Holarrhena antidysenterica using seedling cotyledonary nodes. Biologia Plantarum, 2009; 53; 569-572. (I.F: 1.43).
4.   SavithrammaN, Fareeda .G and Savithra . C, Influence of amended CaCl2 on the growth of green leafy vegetables.  J. Indian Bot. Soc, 2009; 88 (3&4); 32-36.
5.  Saradvathi, J, Kedarnath Reddy & SavithrammaN, High frequency in vitro shoot  Multiplication of Talinum cuneifolium (Vahl) Willd. The BioScan, 2009; 4(3); 511-514.
6.  Penchal Pratap. G, Prasad. G.P. & SudarsanamG, Ethno medical studies in Talakona forest range of Chittoor district, A.PAncient Science of Life, 2009, 28(3); 42-49. (I.F = 0.784).
7.   Kamakshamma, J., Paramageetham. Ch and Sudarsanam. G, Effect of Ichnocarpus frutescens R.Br. root aqueous extract on lipid metabolism in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Indian Journal of Comparative animal Physiology, 2009; 27(2); 96-99.
8.   Penchal Pratap. G, Prasad. G.P. & Sudarsanam. G, Ethno-medical studies in Kailasagirikona forest range of Chittoor district, A.P. Ancient Science of Life, 2009; 29(2); 40-45.
9.    Sudarsanam. G.  Biodiversity conservation and monitoring in the proceedings of "National workshop on present scenario of Wildlife management in India" Edited by D.Bharathi, 2009; 33-35.
10.  Yasodamma. N Suvarna latha.A Santosh Kumar Mehar and Ch. Paramageetham .  Phytochemicals and antibacterial studies of Indigofera hirsuta Linn. J. Trop. Med. plants. 2009: 10 (1), 27 - 29.
11.  Shanthi sree KS, Yasodamma N and Ch Paramgeetham. Phytochemical screening and in vitro antibacterial activity of the methanolic leaf extract: Sebastiania chamaelea muell.arg Bioscan. 2009: 4 (3), 1- 4.
12.  N.Yasodamma, Santhosh kumar Mehar and Ch. Paramageetham. Threat assessment (IUCN Categorization) for Ethnomedicinal plants used by Chenchu tribe of Gundlabramheswaram in Nallamalai hills in Andhra Pradesh, Ethnobotany, International Journal of Society of Ethnobotanists. 2009: 21(1-2):51-60.
13.  Nagalakshmi Devamma M. Vijaya. T., Reddy. M.N and Nirmala. C.Studies of metabolic modulations during development of mango leaf canker disease incited by Xanthomonas campestris pv. Mangiferaeindicae.  Journal of Microbial World. 2009: 1(1): 1-7.
14.  T.Vijaya. Phytoresources as potential therapeutic agents of cancer treatment and prevention. Journal of Global Pharma Tech. 2009.
15.  Nagalakshmi Devamma. M, Vijaya. T, M.N. Reddy and Nirmala. C . Studies of metabolic modulations during development of mango leaf canker disease incited by Xanthomonas campestris pv. Mangiferaeindicae.  Journal of Microbial World. 2009:1 (1): 1-7.
16.  N. Yasodamma, Santosh Kumar, M and Ch. Paramageetham. Threat assessment (IUCN categorization) for Chenchu tribal medicinal plants of Gundlabramheswaram of Nallamalai Hills, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Ethnobotany. 2009.
17.  N. Yasodamma, A. Suvarnalatha, Santosh Kumar, M and Ch. Paramageetham. Phytochemicals and antibacterial studies of indigofera hirsute Linn.  Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants.2009: 10: 27-29.

1.       Ravi Sankar, N and A. Sreeramulu (2008). Morphological characterization and effect of temperature and relative humidity on development of teak powdery mildew. J. Plant Disease Science 3(2) : 151-154.
2.       Ravi Sankar, N and A. Sreeramulu (2008). In vitro efficacy of nineteen medicinal plant leaf extracts on Uncinula tectonae, the powdery mildew pathogen of teak. J. Biomed. 3(2) : 137-141.
3.       Ravi Sankar, N and A. Sreeramulu (2008). Evaluation of thirteen medicinal plant extracts against teak leaf skeletonizer, Eutectona machoeralis walk. J. Biomed. 3(1) : 33-35.
4.       Hussain, T.Md., Chandrasekhar, T. & Rama Gopal, G. (2008). In vitro propagation of Crotalaria verrucosa L. an important Ethno-botanical plant. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2(9).
5.       Hussain Md., T. Chandrasekhar, T.Mahamed Hazara, Zafar Sultan, Brhan Khiar Saleh and Rama Gopal, G. (2008). Recent advances in Salt Stress Biology – A Review. Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Review, 3: 8-13.
6.       Hussain, T.Med., Chandrasekhar, T & Rama Gopal, G. (2008). Micropropagation of Sterculia urens Roxb., an endangered tree species from intact seedlings. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 : 95-101. (Impact Factor : 0.48)
7.       Gayathri, D. and Rama Gopal, G. (2008). In vitro propagation of Amaryllis and Zephranthes bulbous species using Household Tissue Culture medium. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 8 : 131-136.
8.       Kishore, K. Chiruvella., Vijayalakshmi, K., Choudhary, B., Mridula, N., Rama Gopal, G. & Sateesh C. Raghavan. (2008). Methyl angolensate, a natural tetranoterpenoid induces intrinsic apoptotic pathway in Leukemic cells. J. Febs Let. 582 : 4066-4076. (Impact Factor : 3.84)
9.       Savithramma, N and J. Saradvathi (2008). Non-timber products of Mamandur forest of Tirupati-Cuddapah-Nallamalai hotspot in Eastern Ghats. Asian Journal of Environmental Science, 3(1) : 10-13.
10.    Savithramma, N & J. Saradvathi (2008). Non timber products of Mamandur Forest of Tirupati-Cuddapah Nallamalai Hotspot in Eastern Ghats. Asian Journal of Environmental Science. 3(1) : 10-13.
11.    Savithramma, N, Savitha, S & J. Saradvathi (2008). Effect of auxins on in vivo multiplication of Decaschistia crontonifolia – an important multipurpose plant taxa. Journal of Tropical Forestry. 24(III & IV) : 61-64.
12.    Savithramma, N, Fareeda, G & A. Kedarnath Reddy (2008). Influence of amended calcium chloride on antioxidant enzyme activities in green leafy vegetables. The BioScan, 3 : 56-60.
13.    Kamaskhamma,J. and Sudarsanam, G. (2008) Anti-hyperglycemic and anti-lipidemic activity of ethonolic extract of Strychnos potatorum on normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats. The bioscan 3 (4): 405-407.
14.    T. Vijaya, M. Nagalakshmi Devamma and C. Nirmala (2008). Response of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) treated Acorus calamus water stress. The Bioscan 3(4) : 437-440.
15.    T. Vijaya (2008). Studies on biochemical and haematological changes in Chikungunya at postmenopausal level. The BioScan, 3(1) : 61-63.
16.    T. Vijaya (2008). Studies on effect of sodium arsenite on reproductive toxicity in male mice. The BioScan, 3(2) : 159-161.
17.    T. Vijaya, M. Nagalakshmi Devamma and C. Nirmala (2008). Response of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) treated Acorus calamus water stress. The Bioscan 3(4) : 437-440.

1.       Hussain, T. Md., Chandrasekhar, T. and Rama Gopal G. (2007). High frequency shoot regeneration of Sterculia urence Roxb. En endangered tree species through cotyledonary node cultures. African J. of Biotechnology. 6: 1643-49.
2.       Savithramma, N., Sulochana. Ch, and Rao, K.N. ( 2007). Ethnobotanical Survey of plants used to treat Asthma in Andhra Pradesh, India. J. Ethnopharmacology, 113 : 54-61.

1.       Ratnakumar, P., Rajendrudu, G and Swamy, P.M. (2006). Interactive effects of elevated CO2 and salanity stress on antioxidative systems in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) J. Plant Biology 33 : 121-125.
2.       Mallikarjuna, K. and Rajendrudu, G. (2006). High frequency in vitro propagation of Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. from the nodal buds of mature tree. Biologia Plantarum 51 : 525-529.
3.       Rajendrudu, G and Janardhan Reddy, K (Editors) – 2006. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry – Text Book for M.Sc Botany, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad.
4.       Rajendrudu, G and Janardhan Reddy, K (Editors) – 2006. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry – Laboratory Manual for M.Sc Botany, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad.
5.       Chandrasekhar, T., Hussain, T.Md., Rao, J.V.S and Rama Gopal, G (2006). Somatic embryogenesis of Tylophora Indica (Burm.F) Merril, an important medicinal plant. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 4 : 33-40.
6.       Gayathri, D. & Rama Gopal, G. (2006). Studies on the use of a simple medium in tissue culture experiments, 28-34. In Recent Trends in Pl. Science. Edited by T.Pullaiah & Rama Swamy, N. Regency Publications.
7.       Savithramma, N (2006). Boswallia ovalifoliolata Bal.& Henry. Non-wood-News, 13,41.
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1.       Rama Gopal, G. (2006). A Text Book of plant Physiology for M.Sc. students: Co-author, Ambedkar, A.P Open University, Hyderabad.
2.       Rama Gopal, G. (2006). Practical Manual in Plant Physiology for M.Sc., Co-author, Ambedkar, A.P Open University, Hyderabad.
3.       Savithramma, N. (2006). Important Medicinal plants of Tirupati.
4.       Sudarsanam, G. (2006) "Red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.) A sacred gem of South eastern ghats of India"

1.       Arifullah.Md., Kishore Kumar, Ch., Uma Maheswari, T., and Rama Gopal, G. (2005). Galls of Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F) by Baris spp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Insect Environment, 11: 107-108.
2.       Savithramma, N. (2005). Endemic and Endangered medicinal plants of Eastern Ghats of India. In the proceedings of Regional Seminar on Phytoremediation the process from Green to clean. Published by PVKN Govt. College, Chittoor, 29-38.
3.       Savithramma, N. (2005). Orchids of Talakona-a Sacred Grove of Eastern Ghats EPTRI-ENVIS New letter 11 : 5-8.
4.       Bhaskara Rao, U.V.U. G. Sudarsanam and Muralidhar Rao, D. (2005). Non-timber forest resources information from Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, India, International Journal of Forest Usuf. Mngt., 6 : 11-22.
5.       Sundaramoorthy, S., S.K. Mehar, U. Purohit, M. Nagarajan 2005. Agroforestry in Indian desert: Soil biology and fertility perspective. In: Soil Biodiversity, Ecological Processes and Land Management. (eds.) Ramakrishnan, P.S., Saxena K.G., Swift, M.J., Rao, K.S. and Maikhuri, R.K., Oxford and IBH Publication, New Delhi, 139-147 pp.

1.       Swapna Sree, D. and A. Sreeramulu, (2004). Evaluation of some medicinal plants extracts against Eligma narcissus leaf skeletonizar of Ailanthus Excels. Indian Journal of Entomology. 25: 101-104
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3.       Saleem Basha, S., Hussain, T.Md., Arifullah, Md. and Rama Gopal G.(2004). Pollen analysis of squeezed honey in the forest environs of Tirupati, Chittoor, Dt., Andhra Pradesh. Advances in Pollen Spore Research , XXII: 183-193.
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6.       Ramamurthy, N and Savithramma, N (2004). Syzygium alternifolium-an endemic and medicinal plant of Tirumala hills. Non-Wood-News, 11:37.
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8.       Sulochana. Ch, and Savithramma, N. (2004). Calcium chloride on the status of calcium and CaBP’s during seeding growth of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Cultivars. Peanut Science, 31(1): 1-6 (Impact factor l)
9.       Savithramma, N (2004). Diversity and conservation of medicinal plants of Seshahalam hills range of Andhra Pradesh, India in Bulletin of the Botanical Society of India Eds., The Director Botanical Survey of India, Pub. By ISI publications A.P.C Road Kolkata, India, 46 : 438-453.

1.       Arifullah, Md. and Rama Gopal, G: Some aspects of reproductive biology of a parasitic flowering plant, Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn. F.) Ettings, J. of Palynology, 39, 93-100, 2003.
2.       Savithramma, N (2003) Threat to indigenous species of Tirumala hills of Eastern Ghats. EPTRI-ENVIS, News letter 9(2):2-3.
3.       Sulochana, Ch. and Savithramma, N. (2003). Effects of calcium on acid phosphates activity in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seedlings during water stress. I. J. of Plant Physiology, 8 : 186-188.
4.       Ramamurthy, N and Savithramma,N (2003). Shoot bud regeneration from leaf explants of Albizzia amara Boiv. – an important medicinal plant, I.J of plant Physiology, 8 : 372-376.
5.       Savithramma, N (2003). Influence of calcium supply on biomass production in endemic and endangered tree species of tropical forests of South Eastern Ghats. Journal of Tropical Forestry 19 : 35-40.
6.       Jayanand, B, Sudarsanam, G and Kiran K. Sharma (2003). An efficient protocol for the regeneration of whole plants of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) by using axillary meristem explants derived from in vitro germinated seedlings. In-vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant 39: 171-179.
7.       Mehar, S. K., U. Purohit and S. Sundaramoorthy 2003. Microbial biomass and soil C, N and P in Acacia nilotica sub. Cupressiformis based traditional agroforestry systems in Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Agroforestry 5: 65-74.
8.       Mehar, S. K., U. Purohit and S. Sundaramoorthy 2003. Microbial and soil C, N and P in Prosopis cineraria and Acacia nilotica based agroforestry systems. In: Human Impact on Desert Environment, (eds.) Narain, P., Kathju, S., Kar, A., Singh, M.P. and Praveen Kumar, Arid Zone Research Association of India and Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur 437-449 pp.

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8.       Sulochana, Ch. and Savithramma, N (2002). Interaction effect of calcium and PEG induced water stress on changes in CaM, Ca2+ and protein and proteage activity in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) cultivars during seedling growth.
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18.    Purohit, U., S.K. Mehar and S. Sundaramoorthy 2002. Role of Prosopis cineraria on the ecology of soil fungi in Indian desert. Journal of Arid Environment 52: 17-27.
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